Rules & Regulations

AU Jaipur Marathon 2025: Rules & Regulations

      Eligibility and Registration:
    • Age Limit: Participants must meet the minimum age requirements for their chosen event category. Age is calculated as of the date of the marathon.
    • Registration Period: Registration opens on August 7, 2024, and closes on January 20, 2025. Late registrations will not be accepted.
    • Registration Fees: Fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. The fee structure is detailed on the official marathon website.
    • Accuracy of Information: Participants must provide accurate and complete information during registration. False information may result in disqualification.
      Health and Medical Requirements:
    • Medical Clearance: Participants must obtain a medical clearance from a registered medical practitioner before participating. This is mandatory for all participants.
    • Health Declaration: By registering, participants declare that they are in good health and fit to participate. If you have any pre-existing health conditions, consult your physician before training and participating.
    • Emergency Contact: Participants must complete the emergency contact details on the back of their race bib.
      Race Day Regulations:
    • Bib Number: Participants must wear their assigned bib number visibly on the front during the race. Replacement of lost or stolen bibs is not permitted.
    • Start Times: Participants must start the race at their designated time. Late arrivals may be disqualified.
    • Route: Participants must adhere to the designated race route. Any deviation from the official route may lead to disqualification.
    • Aid Stations: Water and medical aid stations will be available at various points along the route. Participants are encouraged to use these stations and stay hydrated.
    • Conduct: Participants must conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to other runners, volunteers, and officials. Any form of unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification.
      Virtual Run Specific Rules:
    • Route Selection: For virtual runs, participants must select their own route. The route should be safe and appropriate for running.
    • Verification: Participants may be required to submit evidence of their run, such as GPS data or photos, to verify completion.
    • Completion: Virtual runs must be completed within the designated period. Late submissions will not be accepted.
      Safety and Medical Support:
    • Medical Support: Medical facilities will be available at the start, along the route, and at the finish line. Participants are encouraged to seek medical assistance if needed.
    • Weather Conditions: Participants should be aware of weather conditions and dress appropriately. In extreme weather conditions, the event may be postponed or canceled for safety reasons.
      Cancellation and Refund Policy:
    • No Refunds: Registration fees are non-refundable. This applies to withdrawals, cancellations, or event modifications.
    • Event Cancellation: In the event of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will not be entitled to a refund.
      Photographs and Media:
    • Use of Images: By participating, you consent to the use of photographs and videos taken during the event for promotional purposes.
    • Media: Media coverage of the event may occur. Participants should be aware that their images and likenesses may be used in promotional materials.
      Personal Responsibility
    • Responsibility: Participants are responsible for their own safety and well-being during the event. The organisers are not liable for any injuries or accidents that occur.
    • Liability Waiver: By registering, participants agree to the liability waiver and indemnify the organisers, sponsors, and partners from any claims related to their participation.
      Code of Conduct
    • Respect: Participants must respect all fellow runners, volunteers, and officials. Any form of abuse, harassment, or discrimination will result in immediate disqualification.
    • Adherence: Participants must adhere to all event instructions and regulations provided by the organisers.
      General Provisions
    • Changes: The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event details, including race routes and schedules, as necessary.
    • Governing Law: The event is governed by the laws of India, and any disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of Indian courts.
    By participating in the AU Jaipur Marathon 2025, you agree to abide by these Rules & Regulations. Your cooperation ensures a successful and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

A-22B, Anupam Vihar, Near Nymph Academy, Lalarpura Road,
Gandhi Path West, Vaishali Nagar Jaipur 302034
HELPLINE NO: 9829687996

© 2024-25 AU Jaipur Marathon. All Rights Reserved.     Powered By: Shree Soft Technologies